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Recent Game Reviews

3 Game Reviews

A pretty cute game with lots of potential. And unique too (First dating sim I've seen where Usagi is the protagonist, rather than the love interest) I couldn't get very far because for some reason, the friendship points would reset every time I went to sleep. (At least in the downloaded version. Haven't played the browser version) I couldn't figure out how to give gifts either. Other than that, I like it so far and I'd be interested in seeing where it goes.

LiquidDarkness responds:

Thank you for the kind words, they mean a lot. Also, thanks for pointing out the friendship points not working properly, I'll definitely work on that. Giving gifts only works if you already have any in your inventory, but I understand why it wasn't obvious, I'll put some notification in the gifting view to avoid confusion in the future! I hope you'll check out the future versions, too, I usually release them once a month. Have a great day!

A Pico dating sim that doesn't fail to deliver on the edgy humor the series is known for. The silly and unexpected endings make up for its short length (Which itself isn't a bad thing, ofc), and I had fun trying to get as many as I could. Definitely worth the wait~

Hattsoff responds:

I wanted to try and at least have an hour of content in there if you went for every dialog option and ending. While it's not perfect, I've been trying to fix any bugs that people have let me know of. I'm hoping to make a stronger game in the future!!

As a kid, this was one of those games that scared the hell out of me. But now as an adult, I can appreciate it more. (As much as one can appreciate an edgy early 2000s flash game, that is) The descriptions for the body parts are amusing (If a bit crude). And holy shit, that twist ending! Well, I won't spoil it, play the game yourself to find out (Or read the other reviews I guess)

Recent Art Reviews

2 Art Reviews

Very cute. You did a good job translating the 2D design into 3D. Also gives me nostalgia for the old Deviantart (I miss it)

Okay, I absolutely adore this! (They're my OTP, yet it's so hard to find NSFW of them). My only gripe is that I wish Cy was visible.
I would love to see you draw more stuff with these two.

A beginner artist currently obsessed with Pico's School. I also make OCs, but I don't post them on NG.


Joined on 6/23/08

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